Smart Order Management was born of the need for one small local suit hire company to organise themselves more professionally, going from relying on diaries, paper and spreadsheets to a simple to use web based computer system.
Seven years later, that business has doubled in size and is managed with 25% less staff! Its customer details, daily work sheets and reports are now simply managed onsite or from anywhere in the World by smartphone, tablet or laptop!
Customer details are entered just once, payments are tracked, auto reminders sent and the same system is used by retail staff to processing staff from aged 19 to 64!
To say it changed a few lives wouldn’t be an understatement, the ability to respond to the customer in seconds with their up to date order should not be underestimated. Being able to check an order in advance and create updates for staff in real time will similarly change the way you are working, tasks become efficient and the system is always up to date and ready to use!
From small beginnings the system was developed and is now available to buy for a range of business types, affordably, with a small monthly management and hosting fee.
But, it’s still as simple to use and just as effective as when it was created!
For more information or a free trial, speak to Stephen on 07472 654881.